The Judges And Serjeant's Inn.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOE."1 SIR,—Upon the question whether the members of Serjeaut's Inn were justified in dividing the proceeds of sale (see Spectator, June 5th, p.......
The Gladstone Centenary.
[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR:1 Sin, — Before any program me le publiely , announced in connexion with the celebration on December 29th next of the centenary of the birth of......
At What Time Do Birds Get Up P [to Vtr
EDITOR OP TRU "SPECTATOR:) SIR, — One of the small compensations for sleepless old age is to lie awake all night while the whole household is asleep and listen to what is going......
"the Oxford Anglo-german Society."
To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPEOTATOR.":1 SIR, — Relying on your welt-known interest in all international movements, I venture to ask if I may, through the medium of your columns,......
National Service.
[To Tax EDITOR OP 9HE SPECTATOR."] SIR, — As a fellow-advocate of national service, may I briefly comment on the last two paragraphs of your "News of the Week " of June Sth? It......
New Zealand And The Quebec Battle- Fields.
ITo THE EDITOR OE THE " Spscrwroa."J Sin,—There was a reference a week since by Lord Grey to the New Zealand School Journal which will interest readers of, the Spectator.......