Lto The Editor Or Thu " Spiotator."1 Sir,—in Reference To
the letter in your issue of June 5th from Mr. John Temple asking whether you remember the American Civil War and on which side your sympathies were in that struggle, perhaps you......
America And The Command Of The Sea., Ito Tea Editor
OF TUE " SPROTATOR."J SIR, —Your article of May 22nd on "America and the Command of the Sea" reminds me of a talk I gave to some of the boys in my school earlier in the year. I......
To The Editor Of The "spectator.") Sir,—god Forbid That...
should put her trust in outside aid :— "Nought shall make us rue If England to itself do rest but true." Still, when I read Mr. John Temple's letter in your issue of June 5th I......
The Speeches At The Press Conference. [to Tor Editor Of
Taft "9tqcu1'1roit."1 Sin,—In your columns last week you expressed a hope that Lord Morley might publish his speech at the Imperial Press Conference in book or pamphlet form.......
[to The Editor Of Ten "spectator "] Sir,—in Your Able...
on the above subject in the issue of May 22nd you make one statement which is possibly open to question,—namely, that "American statesmen know that we are in reality silent......