[To THE EDITOR OE THE "SPECTATOR."] Sni,-eIn the " News. of thb Week" of the lad Spectator there' occurs the following sentence : "-We abound in every' word, here used by Sir Edward Grey." What is the precif-e- meaning of "abound" in this passage? I have consulted the Oxford Dictionary, but have not been able to find in any of the six definitions of the Word on that seems to be suitable. Perhaps some other word• was intended, by the writer. I. suppose we are to understand that you "fully agree with every word," Setc.-e-I mini, Sir, &c., A. L. MAYHEW. 21 Norham Road, Oxford.
[We should have thought this use of "abound" was fairly• common, but cannot offhand cite a. precedent. Perhaps. some of our readers may be able to supply us with one,—En. Spectator.]