.• A very 'Unpleasant reception for Mr. PODLETT TnosisoN in
Canada was prepared. Sir Jowl COLBORNE'S departure was gene- rally regretted by the British party, who had resolved upon annoy- ing his suecessor by all available means. In qualities necessary to command respect, the new Governor-General was pronounced miserably deficient; possessing neither high birth, nor a dignified presence, nor military reputation, nor statesmanship. To make
their country "too hot to hold him" was the evident design of the English Loyalists. In the newspapers of the Upper Province, we read accounts of more " Durham manifestations' —more meetings to petition for " responsible government." The agitation is not factious, nor the ebullition of temporary discontent; but the consequence of mis- government sorely felt in every-day life. The emigration from the province continued, and the value of land was falling. Distrust of their rulers in Downing Street, and thorough contempt for Sir GEORGE ARTHUR, pervaded all ranks, save those composed of official men and the jobbing gainers by general loss.