Official Returns Connected With The Export Of Gold And...
are in the hands of some of the leading City merchants, which, as their accu- racy is not to be disputed, must lead to some very remarkable conclu- sions. These returns extend......
The Soot In The Chimney Of The Laundry At Windsor
Castle took fire on Tuesday evening ; and a report was immediately - spread that the corridor and a large portion of the Castle were in flames! The troops turned out at the......
A Body Of Bristol Merchants, Who State That Since The
opening of the Canton midi! in 1t they hare imported teas on which duties amounting to z' at a miiiioa !•terling have bean paid, have presented a memorial to Lord Palm:: t a .......
Arrangements Have Been Made For Ptlyntent Ut Errears Due...
the Spanish Government to the B: itish Auxiliary imeion. The Morning Chronicle says—" A proposal hes b. on me •.• the I.Let few . days, by the highly-respeetable l•aniek•-lem,.•......
The Dublin Evening Post•says-
" None of the English Tory journals, certainly not any of the!r organs pre- tending to a shred of character for accuracy, have yet been brazen enough to claim an advantage at......
The Committee Of The French Chamber Of Deputies Appointed...
session to report upon the question of slavery in the French Colonies, did not complete their labours in time to lay the result before the Chambers ; but the following......