A body of Bristol merchants, who state that since the
opening of the Canton midi! in 1t they hare imported teas on which duties amounting to z' at a miiiioa !•terling have bean paid, have presented a memorial to Lord Palm:: t a. complaining of neglect by the British Government and want a .evtion in China. These. merchants are wholly unconnected with .t.s es!... in opium.
In reply to this menaniai, Mr—Bad:house, of the Foreign Office, writes- " Voriden Oflte, l4I Oat tier 1S39. " Gentlemen—I um directed liv Viscount Palmerston to tickh,....dolge the teceipt. of your meinoriai, 'lat.!. the Itnli instant, on the subject ut the trans- actions which metaled at canton in the spring of this year ; and I am to acquaint you hi reply, that tile matters to which you cal: his Lordship's atten- tion are under the "elicits considerati'm of her Majesty's Government.
" I am, gentlemea, your most litnublo servant, " J. BACKIIOUSE.
" Messrs. Acrantans, Bush, Cost., and Co. Bri-tol."
The colonial (;«:■ tie has been Lroured with the perusal of a commu- nication to a leadme. East India Rouse in London from their correspon- dent in Singapore, which, while it holds out no exp,:etotion of a re- newal of the opium-trade witit t 'Sine, favours the opinion that an in- creased demand fey British neomtnetures, and an improvement of the lawful commerce with the may be the result of the late stop- page of the imports of opium. We subjoin an extract. Singapore, 15:11 May 18:39. "The severe measures adopted in China for the suppressioa of the opin trade, will, no doubt, be imitated in Cc.!hin China and Siam. Within the last few weeks, the Siamese junks now herc have received orders from their owners, in the event if their having parelct_d any of the drug, to land and sal it, investing the procte,ds in British g P143. * *
"In consequence of the demand ffir emtor g.sids fur the Siamese junks, ex- tensive sales have been made of ctan'elcs, slttrtumg, ciunleis, &c. (at prices quoted in detail.) * *
The extinction of the mitun-trad.: in China, and its partial cessation here, mast be viewed as extremely favourabh circumstances for the manufacturing interests in England. We anticipate mu extended demand for almost every description of woollens and cotton good, and a profitable result to the opera- tions of next season."