. Uses Of Agricultural Societies. To The Editor Of The
SPECTATOR. Peterborough, 14111 October 1839. Stu—You refer in your last number to the increase of Agricultural Societies, as tending exclusively to strengthen the Conservative......
Topics Of The Day.
LOCAL COURTS. AMONG the numerous reforms promised by the present Govern- ment, one of the most prominent—as beyond question the most necessary of them all—related to the......
Births, 'marriages, And Deaths.
BIRTHS. At Leamington, the Lally of the Hon. Captain SOMERVILLE, R.N., of a ' , on. At Pardon, the Lady or Lieut..C...1. ST. 3011N CLERICE, Kit., of a daughter. Ott the Gth......
Tile Army,
WAlberVica, October Itegll or is s itt iss e o.-.(ssosi Is it, nrett s tohoto is 1.ii purchase, N ic E. Oeils, who retires; W. K. Eraser, Gent. to he Cornet, by porvliase, 'tue......