The Following Extract From A Despatch Of The Marquis Of
Normanby to Sir George Arthur, states an important opinion of the Law Officers of the Crown respecting the Canadian prisoners vrbb were lately released—namely, that a criminal......
Admiral Fleming's Appointment To Be " Master Of Her...
Hospital at Greenwich " is officially announced in last night's Gantte. His successor in the command at Portsmouth, is not yet announced, though probably determined on. The......
Money Market.
ST0eR EXellANOE. FRIDAY AFTLfeffION. The buoyant appearance of the Money-market to which we last week alluded, has given place to one of a very different character, and its......
A " Supplement To The London Gazette" This Day Furnishes
the "fol- lowing article omitted" [by mistake?] yesterday. Quarterly Average of the Weekly Liabilities and Assets of the Bank of Eng- land, from the 23d July to the 13th October......
East India Siiipping.
Arrived—At Gravesend, OM. 15111, Woutimansterste, Ilinderwell, from Mauritius; W. Wise, Ellis, from Van Dimiett's fatal ; ana 18111, Premier, Weir, front China, At Portsmouth,......