— News Of The Week.
no ties between England and America are continually growing stranger and closer. The London newspapers find it necessary or advantageous to supply accounts even of the trivial......
Intelligence To The Middle Of September Has Arrived From The
West Indies. The Negroes were happy and hazy; the 'Planters Intelligence to the middle of September has arrived from the West Indies. The Negroes were happy and hazy; the......
.• A Very 'unpleasant Reception For Mr. Podlett Tnosison In
Canada was prepared. Sir Jowl COLBORNE'S departure was gene- rally regretted by the British party, who had resolved upon annoy- ing his suecessor by all available means. In......
The Ministers Brought Forward A Bill To "confirm The Fueros
of the Basque Provinces ; " but the majority of the Deputies refused to pass the chief resolution or "article," unless coupled with a salvo in favour of the Constitution. Tito......