At Leamington, the Lally of the Hon. Captain SOMERVILLE, R.N., of a ',on. At Pardon, the Lady or Lieut..C...1. ST. 3011N CLERICE, Kit., of a daughter.
Ott the Gth inst., at lialdovan House, the Lady Ootv.vv, of a sou.
OH the Sill inst., at the Vicarage, Chieveley, Bettis, Mrs. J. E. ROItINSON, of a 5011.
On the 15th inst., at St. George's, Hanover Square, the Right lion. THOMAS FRANK- LAM, LEWIS, ta :UARIANNE, only Sul living daughter of the late John Ashton. Esq. On the 10th inst., at Diamonds, Wales. Hron DEAv as, of Glyttgat lii. Anglesea, to IMErt..1 JANET. third 11■111gilter of Sir Duncan C.mtpbell, Bart., of Barialtline and Glenme, Argvieshire.
Oa the Nib inst.. at St. Mary's, Newington, the Rev. Gronar WEIGHT, B.A., of Magdalen Hall. Oxford, Curate of St. George-the-Martyr, Southwark, 10 MARIANNE, eldest daughter of the late Rev. Henry Longneville Mansel, Rector of Cosgrove, N,rthc- Liii On the ltith inst., rut St. Luke's, Chelsea, GEORGE BL000, Esq., of IltteMersbory, to l'imyers CAvormisiu, second daughter of the late Major Ebhart, Commandant of York Hospital.
On the 15th inst., the ItIareltioness of SAT.ISHURV, in her Ktit year. On the 14111 inst., at his seat, Delmont, llerekirdsh:re, the Rev. Dr, l'itossiat, in his 94th year.
On the 12111 inst., at Dover, licar..1dmital kiux IrANCOCIi. C.
On the 4th of September, at Imminiea. the llott. ALEXANDER EoliINSuN, Member of her Maiesty's Ci ulna IS that Island, in his 54th year, thi the 11111 of 51.141-other, at St. Jag" t'e Cuba, of the yellow fever. General Don JOAQI'IN ESe.ARIO, GuVt.11H.V and ConiaMmler-in-Chier of the Eastern Province or the Island a oil.. ou the 10th hist., the Rev. Jutni: Vito', Hector of Congestone, Leieesterthire, in his 7tith year.
On the 1 lth inst., at the rectory. Commits], near Bath, the Rev. 61iINNI.11, cur litany ■••ars Rector or that parish. Otu the 12th inst., at Lichfield, the Rev. IIENItY JEvON Gorr:, r, A.M., in his 30(1 year.
On the 9th inst., ut Shorstend Hobe, Eent,111Aitv, Relict of Ahmed, Esq., in heria6t year. At Glenarkled, Buchanan, Scotland, l'Ersa 31.NA11, in his 107111 Year.