Couotwertos. • The coltitty of Western Australia; a Manual for EmigrantS to that Sattlement or ha Depeuttencies; corrwrising its discovery, settlement. ahorigines, land.regulatious, prineipleir of colonial emigration; statistical. Iluancialowd agricultural reports;
• also, imanctions :walnuts to,settlers, directions for the anchoregas, g:c.; willi the t • must correct Map extant. By Natlinniel Ogle, F.G.S., e. With Appendix, col:mining the Gcvernor's commissIbu,,,,atiations, a list or the names of the proprietors. their original grants and limber tif acres, tenures, conditions. trans- fers, &C. Taken from Official Documents Fraser. Tnsvms.
, -Oriental Outlines. or a Rambler's Recollections of a Tour in Turkey, Greece. and
Tissenuy, in MS. By Williams Knight Loa,.
The Courtier of the Days of Charles the Second ; with.Other Tales. By the Att- • thertas of "Po.thumoua Mena,irs of a Peeress," " Mrs. Armytage," &e. Sm.
rovray, Gaiymul, Pons. • The Epicurean; a Tale. With Vignette Illustrations, by M. W. Tuner, Eat.. R.A. • Alitl Alcipbron; it Pueni, By Thomas Moore, Esq., Author of " !Alla lionkb," Ike. Ike larrone.