Lord Lyttleton has been aopointed Libel-Lie:Lien:int of Worcester- shire, in
the room of Lord Foley.
Mr. John Bather, Recorder of Shrewsbury has sn'Tered an attack of paralysis, his recovery frotti which is doubtful. is the gentleman
v,Iuvn! death was reForted at the Home ego, when he as as apparently in good health, and whose ;;p1..1 • wa6 imme-
diately given to a Mr. Harwood.
A convent of the Sisters of Mercy is about to be ia Bath, under the government of Miss A gnew, the t. A Agnew.
, opened this
The gallery of the fine arts h Quiet Stteet. 1.1 „
year with a collect:oil of act 'is of the old to.t.e lout by noble-
men and gentlemen ef the v.---Det!!
The tendency of railways me:de s, .2.1y shown in the case of some of the Northern li.;es. For ON oupl,.. the Nthroath and
Forf:r Company time carrying from tI to :1. ,.1 p ...angers a day pa- rallel to a line of road which never did, ;1.1.1 never could. support a single-horse coach. Within the last twelve emoths, no fewer than four additional coaches have been putt the road in c..m.•xion with the Glas- gow and Garnkirk Railway ; avhuile up,n the Ne,..e,istle and Carlisle line the number of passengers in a given perio.1, us compared with the number that travelled by horse-coaches pre., ions to the opening of the railway, has been as 11 to 1.—/Ordway rao The Ing;.4.ag.e on the top of a Bath coach, then on the Great Western Railway between London and Maidenhead. was set on tire on Saturday night, 1,y sparks front the chimney of the engine: hut before much damage was done the train was stopped. and the tire extinguished.
At the last electing of the Bench of Magistrates at Croydon, Mr. Edward. Bridgemeter Mantle, a gentleman residing at Norwood, at- tended to answer an information laid under the Game Act, charging I im with shooting at a pheasmit before the 1st of 0,ttobgr, whereby he incurred a penalty of 5/. A man naleed Locl< stated, that on the 250 of September he saw the defendant with a gall upon a piece of land belonging to Mr. Turner, and he sa v a pli..asant fly up awl the defendl:nt shoot at it. Mr. Satherland asked -,...lte7hee he hit the bird? The man replied, that the bird was not hit. bat it was a good deal frightened. 'rile Magistrates said, the Game %et required that the bird should be actually slut; and shooting " at a bird did not conic within the scope of the act. There was on doubt that the bird was frightened, hut a man was not to be fined 5L for Ow. The inforarnion was there- fore dismissed.
Mr. Thorogood, of Chelmsford, is still iii prison ; tiring been incar- cerated no less than thir7-eight weeks for non-payment of a church- rate of 5s. ed.---fime /eh L.ritres.s.