19 OCTOBER 1839, Page 4

Alderman Pirie was alarmed on Sunday week, between four and

five o'clock, by the noise of a person breaking into his house at Gravesend. The Alderman, with the assistance of a servant, captured the robber. In the course of the flay, lie went to see him in gaol ; and there the num excited his compassion by a recital of' sufferings and misfortunes, which, he sail, had made hint quite reckless. Believing the story, Alderman Pine obtained his release front prison, procured him a berth on board a vessel for Sydney, and gave him an outfit for the voyage.

A box, containing 5,000/. in notes and gold, was stolen from the Manchester and Staffordshire market-coach on the night of the Oth instant. The money was sent from a Manchester bank to a bank at Wanley, in the Potteries. The coachman took charge of the box, and placed it in the hind-Loot. The robbery must have been effected be- tween Macclesfield and Gosworth, but the box was found-on the road not far front Congleton, with the principal part of its contents. . On Sunday, William Bibby, labourer, residing, in- Kirkdale, pntitio wife to death by beating her with a hammer. Some dispute had adieu between them on the preceding night.; the quarrel. was renewed in. the morning ; and in a fit of fury he seized a hammer and fractured hp skull. lie was taken to Bridewell by Inspector August. Subsequent observations have given rise to a suspicion that the prisoner is insanecl-. Blackbunt Gazette.

There have been two incendiary fires—one on Saturday, the other on Monday—in the neighbourhood of Maldon.