Arrangements have been made for ptlyntent ut errears due front
the Spanish Government to the B: itish Auxiliary imeion. The Morning Chronicle says—" A proposal hes b. on me •.• the I.Let few. days, by the highly-respeetable l•aniek•-lem,.• e,. an,1 Co., of that
city, to undertake to make es ,•.,-; three months, until the whole sum (now abom, emeoo.q.) shati have Iseen liquidated. This proposal has been officially meiticd by the Sp.mish Government to Sir De Lacy Evans, who Lendon in a few days for Madrid to complete the arrangement."
A Court of Directors was : t Ile.,t ft - 1, If mse on Wedues- day ; when Lieutenant-Gener.,1 M. .2.1 .111011, Bart., K.C.B., was appointed Commander -Chief to tile Cueip,iuy's forces on the Bombay establishment.
Captain C. Napier is about to resign the command of the Powerful, 84, in the Archipelago ; the state of his health renderiag it necessary that he should come to England fur advice.
Orders have been received at the Royal Dockyard at Woolwich, from the Commissioners of the Lords of' the Admiralty, to build, witlt all ex- pedition, a steam-ship of two hundred horse power, to be named the Lizard.
Colonel Angelo has resigned the Chief Commissionership of the Bolton Police, with a salary of 500/. a year ; because he says it would be a " complete robbery upon the inhabitants of Bolton to receive from them the sum of 500/. per annum for the fulfilment of an office no more important than the business of a common corporal in the regular ser- vice—namely, the management of twenty men."