The Duke of Sussex is eeie:e.ed at Leal:Asia Caatle on
Tuesday next, on a visit to Lord Dui :hem
Dr. Prosser, who died lot a: Belmont. Ilerefordshire, in his ninety- fourth year, was a Prebendary of Durhter, Cethedral, and had amassed immense wealth.
The Lord-Lieutenant of Ilsland is visi:ing his father, Earl Fortescue, at Castle Hid, Devonshire, The Bishop of Chichester, it is said, will present the vacant living of CowSed to his own son, Mr. Otter.
T:m Earl of Wilton huts letIi; Inmtinz-lnee: at uk'bon Newbray to
the ila el of Rossiya for 1:10 L'7 5i',1S01].
A celebrated leader in the werle of fishion, marellioness of Salis-
bury, expired on Tuesday, a a liogcr:It,i: iliice of several months' duration. Her husbaed and e.e elifa familY were present et her death, The fatal disease was dropsy.
Mn, evoker has been visit"! P. dont P 1 at Drayton.
The Queen has sabscrile,e1 a veer to aid the fornmtion of a Normal School jut connexioe w ;Ai the Ileifish an:I Foreign School So- ciety. The ToriQs are disp'em.ed sahh hes Mejssty for patronizing a selteme which the Loa's a :1,1 urol: e:• of; but Queen Victoria in this matter only ibilows ji a essmple ;. i rether, and 01" her grand-
father, George the Third, whem the Tnelee ha the Letbit of repre- senting as a faultless monarch.