We observe from the London Gazette of the '10th. that
Dr. Lee has' resigned the 'Secretaryship to the Bible Printing Board for Scotland, :holy conferred upon him ; and that her Majesty has appointed. to that -office Dr. Welsh, Professor of Church History in the Edinburgh Uni- versity. Of Dr. Welsh's qualifications we cannot speak, never having beard that his attainments were remarkable either as a linguist, a theo- logian, or a Biblical critic. One qualification certainly he possesses— one which has outweighed all others in every appointment, sacred or civil, which the Whig Government has made in Scotland: he is a stanch .sdherent of the Ministerial party. Such being the case, it would be superfluous to ask or insist upon any other kind of fitness, in so far at least as her Majesty's Ministers are concerned. Dr. Welsh is or was a keen anti-pluralist ; and some may perhaps imagine, that having got a lucrative office from the Crown, (the salary is said to be 500/. a year,) be will of course, as a matter of principle, resign the Church History chair. We scarcely look for this, however. Though a Whig may be 'anti-pluralist when in opposition, or out of place, we never knew one that objected to a monopoly when it came in his way. To expect, 'therefore, that the Professor of Church History will relinquish his chair because he has got another appointment, the duties of which would require his full undivided attention, would be, we are afraid, to exact too severe a sacrifice from frail Whig nature.—Edinburgh Ad- vertiser.
The Faculty of Glasgow College has translated the Reverend Dr. W. Fleming from the chair of Oriental Languages to that of Moral Philo- sophy.