The following advertisement, which appeared in tine Morning Chro- nicle
and other papers on Tuesday last, offering to settlers in New Zealand the opportunity of " choosing such lands as they require in the country, and making their own bargains with the native chiefs, under the sanction of Governor Hobson," fullv and in a very remarkable man- ner confirms all that has been said in this journal and the Colonial Gazelle, about the encouragement of " land-sharking" by the Colonial Office.
" We are informed that the Chevalier Dillon,* late French Consul at New Zealand, intends to open a New Zealand House of agency in Broad Street, City, where the best information can be obtained by persons desirous to emi- grate to that island.
lie has beets for thirtfyears in constant intercourse with New Zealand and other Mande in the Pacific. It was he who first established the Church alissionarics at the Bay of Islands, lie speaks the native languages, and has great influence over the various islanders, until possesses extensive tracts of land, and numerous herds of Heck cattle, horses, eke. eke. on some of the islands.
" That gentleman intends shortly to lay on three ships for freight and paseage to New Zealand, and to go out there himself by the first ship ; he therefore in- vitee emigrants to join him. Vag will ham a pir orporluoit y of eboosiny such hind as ihty repire in the country, find if malting their own bargains with the mdire chiy:s, under the sanction of Licritenant-Governer Mason, lately srilt ont by the British Government ; or he proposes to supply such set tiers with land from 2s. 6d. to 5s. per acre. " Labourers can be procured from the Australian Colonies at the rate of 5/. per head passage-money, and for half that amount from the adjacent islandeee "Ik also proposes to supply his passengers with a breed of horses, cows, bullocks, and Melillo sheep, on very moderate terms. "Should the emigraats not wish to reside in New Zealand after visiting that country, they can retire to New South Wales with their mem and the goods intended for barter at New Zealand. 111 the thriller colony there is a large and profitable field open Par enterprising and hidustrione emigrauts."
"* And Company.
"i Whereas tin- imssage er each person feont this country of the above el:!ss to New Zeal:oat, amounts to upwartls ;M."