[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPNCTATOR."] Srn,—I am forwarding separately copy of the local paper, by which you will see that No. 1 Company in Canada is alive and active. The body which was formed at your instigation two years ago has done nothing since Mr. Hugh Savage left the city, but immediately on war being declared I had a notice published in the Columbian that I would receive names, and within twelve hours saw that the men were ready. Judge W. N. Bole, our old captain, was absent from the city, but returned without delay, and authorized a " call," which was responded to by about forty men, with the result that they proceeded to elect officers as follows :—Hon. Captain, W. Norman Bole; Captain, Otway Wilkie; hit Lieutenant, A. Christmas ; 2nd Lieutenant, T. E. Lawson (late of Sheffield); Paymaster (and Organizing Secretary), C. H. Stuart-Wade; Colour-Sergeant, R. Logan ; Trumpeter, J. Stirling ; Chaplain, Rev. Canon D'Easum ; Surgeon, Dr. McQuarrie. Parades for drill have become regular, and the No. 1 Company in Canada marched to the railway station to wish God-speed to the Reservists returning home on Thursday; as also with the 104th Regiment, to bid farewell to their war contingent, on Saturday last. By resolution I am requested to com- municate to you our great appreciation of your work in founding the organization, and in donating the badges now worn at all times by the Imperial National Reservists of this district.—I am, Sir, &c., CHAS. H. STUART-WADE, J.P.
(Organizing Secretary NO. 1 ConipaH7).
New Westminster, B.C., August 22nd.