"the Lord Of The Isles."
ITo vas EDITOR or TH1 - srxcTrroa.") SIR, — On September 5th you quoted a letter of Scott's which expressed in simple words his readiness to devote everything • Droit......
Germany And International Law.
130 THIC EDITOR OW THE " SPACTATOR."1 Sin, — The possibility that there might be grave breaches of international law during the next great war in Europe was anticipated by one......
An Appeal To Sportsmen.
[TO THA EDITOR OF TEM " SPICTATOR."1 Sin,—The warm response to my appeal for field glasses emboldens me, in this time of emergency, to suggest another way in which sportsmen can......
The National Reserve In Canada And The " Spectator."
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPNCTATOR."] Srn, — I am forwarding separately copy of the local paper, by which you will see that No. 1 Company in Canada is alive and active. The body......
Letters To The Editor.
FRENZIED FINANCE. [TO THE EDITOR Or TEE " SPECTATOR :1 Sin,—Mr. Moreton Frewen's suggestions in your last issue in regard to the State endowment of speculation add a new terror......