19 SEPTEMBER 1914, page 16

"the Lord Of The Isles."

ITo vas EDITOR or TH1 - srxcTrroa.") SIR, — On September 5th you quoted a letter of Scott's which expressed in simple words his readiness to devote everything • Droit......


[To THE EDITOR or THE "STECTITOR.") SIR,—I have not seen the following lines from Milton quoted. They are remarkably apposite and bracing after the medita- tions of Cramb,......

Maritime Capture.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE "EracTr.roa."] SIR,—I notice in your last issue, in an article on "Maritime Capture," a statement that "on Friday, the 4th inst., the first British Prize......

The War And Our Food-supply. [to Ma Editor Or Thy

" SPECTATOR:1 S/R,—The Board of Trade Returns for the month of August show, as compared with the same month last year, a shrinkage, roughly speaking, of over one-third. It is an......

The Germans In Belgium. [to Th1 Editoe Or Th1 "splacraroz."]

SIR,— You may care to print the following extract from Caesar, as bearing on the policy of Germany in Belgium to-day " Civitatibus (sc. Germania) maxima Isms est quam latissime......

Indians And The War.

[To THE EDITO1 OF THE "SPECTATOR] SIR, — Now that his Majesty the King-Emperor has given expression to our national pride and satisfaction in having the cheerful and loyal help......