[To THE EDITOR or THE "STECTITOR.") SIR,—I have not seen the following lines from Milton quoted. They are remarkably apposite and bracing after the medita-
tions of Cramb, Bernhardi, and others :— "LIBERTY.
Oh how comely it is, and how reviving To the spirits of just men long oppress'd; When God into the hands of their deliverer Puts invincible might To quell the mighty of the earth, the oppressor, The brute and boisterous force of violent men, Hardy and industrious to support Tyrannic power, but raging to pursue The righteous and all such as honour truth; He all their ammunition And feats of war defeats, With plain heroic magnitude of mind And celestial vigour armed; Their armouries and magazines contemns, Renders them useless; while With winged expedition, Swift as the lightning glance, he executes His errand on the wicked, who, surprised, Lose their defence, distracted and amazed."
Again, an hour after reading the moving appeal of the King of the Belgians I came across Apollo's words in the Eumenides of Aeschylus :- J.71 5' apiEW ray IKE'VtlY TE AINTOILal • Sew)) -yap iY 13poroias Kai/ Oedis wAes 1•01.3 wpoorpolrafou Hirst, Ei rpoSa €K4r.