PERCH OF THE DEVIL.t IT is not necessary at this time of day to insist on the clever. ness of Mrs. Atherton. But before coming to close quarters with her new story we may note a......
The Story Of Fifine. By Bernard Capes. (constable And Co.
6s.)—If we are to judge Mr. Capes's work fairly, we must admit that he has many points in hie favour. His style is ingenious and vivid, and be is able to create whatever......
Legends From Servla..*
Im has been said that if a man wants to be admired by the peasants of Servia he must prove himself a good fighter, a good drinker, or, above all, a good singer. The Southern......
The Round Table.*
THE " Special War Number" of the Bound Table provides the best survey of the remote and immediate causes of the war that we have seen. The magazine begins with a general article......