19 SEPTEMBER 1914, page 17
The War And Our Food-supply. [to Ma Editor Or Thy
" SPECTATOR:1 S/R,—The Board of Trade Returns for the month of August show, as compared with the same month last year, a shrinkage, roughly speaking, of over one-third. It is an......
Reuter's Agency And Wolff's Bureau. [to The Editor Or The
"SrEcTeroR."J Sin,—The Spectator in its latest issue inquired, in the interest of the British public, what had been our relations with Wolff's Telegraphic Bureau, and as this......
Women And The War.
[TO THE EDITOR Or THE " BrEcTATOR."1 Sin,—Will you permit me to make a few comments on Lady Chance's letter in your columns of September 12th P She urges all women desirous of......