"SrEcTeroR."J Sin,—The Spectator in its latest issue inquired, in the interest of the British public, what had been our relations with Wolff's Telegraphic Bureau, and as this question is perfectly fair, we beg to state that our relations with that Agency were confined to a mutual exchange of news, as obtains between all the principal Agencies. Neither the Wolff Bureau nor we ever exercised, or sought to exercise, the least influence over the other, being perfectly free to publish or suppress news so received at our sole discretion. —Trusting that the foregoing will satisfy the Spectator and the Press generally who may be interested in the matter,
I am, Sir, dec., HERBERT DE REUTER.
Beuter's Telegram Company, Limited, Beuter's Telegram Company, Limited, 24 Old Jewry, London, E.C.
[We should be lacking in candour if we were to assent to the proposition that by the above letter Baron Herbert de Reuter answers the questions addressed to him by Sir Valentine Chirol. Further, Baron Herbert de Renter's letter is not, as far as we can judge, consistent with his letter to the 'Press Association.—En. Spectator.]