So strong is the sympathy for Italy here that England
would never take up that line, and would, whatever happens, appreciate at their proper value Italy's difficulties. But though the British people have always been, and we hope always will be, sentimental as regards Italy, we cannot hold out any hope that France and Russia, and Russia's protegee, Servia, will look at the matter in any but the most strictly businesslike way. When the final settlement comes, and Italy makes claim to Trieste and Albania and the Adriatic coast, they will ask what she did to help, and if she can only show that she moved when her assistance was immaterial she will get nothing. Italy must remember that if Austria falls, as we believe she must fall, before the Slays, the Slays will want to know why a Power which has not contributed to the result should carry off the plums. As friends of Italy, and also of Roumania, we sincerely hope that these two Powers will join the Entente before it is too late, and join it, not on paper, but by effective action.