Amongst reprints of books bearing on the war we may
note How Armies Fight, by " Ubique" (T. Nelson and Sons, is. net), an imaginary account of a British campaign against Germany in Belgium, which was written in 1903, and which gives such detailed information about tactics as will help to illuminate the war news ; Imperial Germany, by Prince B. von Billow (Cassell and Co., 28. net), which Lord Cromer described in our columns last February as "a perfectly truthful account of the present German aims and policy "; Pan-Gcrnzanistn, by Professor Roland G. Usher (Constable and Co., 2s. net); Germany's Swelled Head, by Emil Reich (Andrew Melrose, ls. net); and The Fight at Dame Europa's School (Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., 6d. net), a pamphlet of 1871 on the dangers of neutrality.—The War Book-of-Facts (A. W. Shaw Company, 2s. 6d. net) contains "three thousand facts and figures about the conduct of war, the present crisis and its causes."