As for civil distress, the only body at the heart
of things capable of dealing with it is the Government Committee for the Prevention and Relief of Distress. This Committee has at its disposal all the sources of information of the Local Government Board and the Board of Trade. Its advice has been invariably accepted. For particular inquiries and for distribution the Prince of Wales's Executive Committee, of course, relies on the numerous local Committees. The Execu- tive Committee has already paid out more than £350,000. We have no doubt that Mr. Balfour's letter will reassure the country. There were bound to be gaps and insufficiencies in the machinery in the circumstances. But critics should recognize that ultimately the perfection of the administration must depend upon the local Committees. These afford endless opportunities for voluntary workers. The task of hunting up distressed families and investigating the nature and reality of their need may be tedious, but it is invaluable.