There is a very fine tithe barn at Church Farm, Eddlesborough, Bucks, reached by following the road from Hemel Hempstead to Leighton Buzzard. In Hemel Hempstead is a large barn reputed to be the Parish Tithe Barn it is a few yards oft the High Street. To what use it is now put I do not know, but some years ago it was an ironmonger's store.—R: A. NORRIS, Berkhamsted.
There is a large tithe barn at Galworthy in West Somerset. It adjoins the Rectory and is a long building which has been divided and is now used for various purposes. A window facing into the lane has a pig, a sheep and a sheaf of corn carved in the stone moulding of the window frame. The lights of the window have long been built in with stone. — AGNES WALPOLE, 42 Holland Road, Kensington, W. 14.
There are splendid tithe barns at Bredon and Bredon's Norton in Worcester ; they are both very large and very old, probably of the fifteenth century. The latter has been adapted by the late Mrs. Woodhull Martin for use as a village hall, but is otherwise almost unchanged, and both are in remarkably good preservation.—RosA M. BARRETT.