19 SEPTEMBER 1931, page 13

The Last Patch.

For a countryman, even if he has no use for a gun, few sights are more interesting than the cutting of the last rectangle of corn, or, indeed, of lucerne or sainfoin, in a......

Country Life

" COMBINE " HARVESTERS. Whether the "-combine " machines will help to bring profit to the grain-grower in England, with its little fields and mixed farmings, we do not know, but......

This Eccentric Year.

it is and has been an eccentric year in many regards as no one has more definitely realized than the keeper of a nature diary. How Gilbert White and those yet more thorough......

What Most Surprised Many Of Those Who Saw One Of

the Clayton combine harvester threshers operating in South Lincolnshire the other day was the economy of labour. In spite of the size and complication of the machine only three......

A Week Or So Later Than The Harvesting Of This

Lancashire field I watched the cutting of a big field of lucerne in Hert- fordshire. The farmer, with his gun at his side, was enjoying an alfresco tea (until such time as the......

* * * * Artistic Advertisers.

A small example may best illustrate the change of heart among advertisers in regard to the preservation of rural beauty ; and it is well that the names of those who are " on the......

It Would Seem That The Weather Has Tended To Delay

the autumn migration in some species, though it has promoted it in others. Never, in my experience, have the swifts left so early : they are already a dim memory and the cuckoos......