Come To Britain!
The question of the improvement of British hotels and other facilities for tourists which has been occupying the attention of our correspondents suggests that this country is......
The Schneider Trophy As Saturday Was Wet And Stormy, The
race for the Schneider Trophy over the Solent course was held on Sunday, contrary to English practice. Neither France nor Italy were represented, but Flight-Lieutenane'Booth-......
Entirely Destroyed By A Hurricane On September 10th. The...
raged through the morning without doing much harm, but a second storm, coming after a half-hour of calm, was so violent that nothing could stand against it. The town was laid in......
Known As The Heimwehr, Revolted Under Dr. Pfriemer And...
a number of towns. Their leader proclaimed himself Fascist dictator of Austria. They used machine- guns in Kapfenberg, and several Socialists were killed or wounded. The......
Bank Rate 44 Per Cent., Changed From 34 Per Cent.
on July 30th, 1931. War Loan (5 per cent.) was on Wednesday 994; on Wednesday week, 1001 ; . a year ago, 103*. Funding Loan (4 per cent.) was on Wednesday 914 ; on Wednesday......
Ministry Of Health, Is, On The Whole, Reassuring In His
new report on the health of the nation in 1930. The death-rate and the infant mortality rate were the lowest yet recorded. Sixty out of every thousand children born died in......
* * * Milk Prices The National Farmers' Union, After
negotiations with the milk traders, has been obliged to accept on behalf of the dairy farmers an average price of ls. 04d. per gallon for the coming year. The milk traders......
South Africa The Prime Minister, General Hertzog,...
to the Nationalist Party - Congress at Pretoria, an intention to abolish the Provincial System. He evidently thinks that he can thereby complete the unity of the Union. It will......