The Schneider Trophy As Saturday was wet and stormy, the
race for the Schneider Trophy over the Solent course was held on Sunday, contrary to English practice. Neither France nor Italy were represented, but Flight-Lieutenane'Booth- man's performance in flying seven times round the course at an average speed of 340 miles an hour was doubtless good enough to defy any competition. The Schneider Trophy, thus won for the third time in consecu- tive races, becomes a national possession. After the race Flight-Lieutenant Stainforth made four flights to establish a new speed record. His average speed was 379 miles, and his maximum 388 miles an hour. Such feats attest the skill and courage of the pilots no less than the trustworthiness of the seaplanes and their engines. It may be hoped that the Air Force will rest content with these spectacular achievements in speed, and concentrate its attention on the problem of safe flying, which is still by no means solved. * * * *