19 SEPTEMBER 1931, page 28

What Boswell Did For Johnson The Burns Clubs, Spread...

do for Burns, and the Burns Chronicle, Vol. V., second series (The Burns Federation, 4s. 6d.) is their organ. Odd bits of unpublished letters, critical estimations of the man......

The 16th Foot (constable, 5s.), Which Is A History Of

the Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment, differs in three important respects from the ordinary run of regimental his- tories. In the first place it is the work of......

Sir Charles Callwell's Editorship Of Campaigns And Their...

well known to students of military history ; and Colonel A. P. Wavell, whose Palestine Campaigns (Constable, 12s. 6d.) has just reappeared in a third edition, is not less......

Professor John Garstang Has Written A Most Illuminating...

The Foundations of Bible History : Joshua : Judges (Constable, 20s.). He compares the older portions of the Biblical narrative with the Egyptian annals and with the results of......

Oxford Versus Cambridge Is A Book Compiled By Messrs. H.

M. Abrahams and J. Bruce Kerr, and gives full particulars of every contest that has taken place between our two oldest Universities up to and including 1930. Beginning from......

To-day It Is A Little Difficult To Remember That The

theatre, like the Garden of Paradise, was once a milieu exclusively male. In Enter the Actress (Harrap, 15s.) Miss Rosamond Gilder has appointed herself historian, to the......

When He Gets On To The Present-day Conditions In Zanzibar

(Witherby, 25s.), Mr. W. H. Ingrains is interesting and his information is reliable, though his style ("reeking naught " and so forth) is apt to be irritating. His long......

Miss I. F. Grant Has Firmly Established Her Position As

one of Scotland's leading economic historians, and children for whom her Everyday Life in Scotland to 1603 (Allen and Unwin, 2s. 6d.) is intended will learn much from it. They......

A Library List

WILKIE COLLINS, LE FANU AND OTHERS. By S. M. Ellis. (Constable. 18s.) EVERYMAN REMEMBERS. By Ernest Rhys. (Dent. 12s. 6d.) MEMOIRS OF AN INFANTRY OFFICER. New Edition. By......