Incongruities S. T. C.—i By E. M. Forster. T He Workhouse
at Henley-on-Thames has, or rather had, a garden attached to it, in the midst of which stood a solitary hut, reserved for inmates who were suffering from infectious diseases. At......
Reforming The (devil's) Prayer-book.
It is a curious fact that countries who lose their kings always seem, temporarily at least, to lose their sense of humour. So seriously does Spain take her own anti-royalist......
Considered Trifles
A HOLIDAY AT EUSTON. According to a letter in The Times, a Breton paper recently published a photograph of H.M. King George entitled " The King leaving Euston, where he was......
Can-you-beat-it Department.
" The announcements for the autumn publishing season seem to show that novels, like skirts, are to be longer. All the better for their readers.. . . A novel that can be read at......
A New Experiment THE Embassy Theatre, Swiss Cottage, has started an experi- ment which I sincerely hope will be continued there with as much success as it deserves. It is an......