The London ant Afildlcsew Nofe - book. Edited by W. P. W.
Phillitnore. (Elliot S axik.)—Teis is a collection of antiquarian odds-and-ends on the history of Lcn'oa and its suburbs. Perhaps the most interestla g is the short sketch of the Rolls house and chapel, originally a refuge for converted Jews, then the house, Court, and Recor 1-office of the Master of the Rolls, now only a Record-office, Next come the short Lives of the Lord Mayors and Sheriffs in the fiat eIghtoen years of James I, The most remark- able thing about them is the vary large proportion who were not Londoners, and who founded grammar-schools in their native towns. As founders of schools and patrons of education, they stepped. into the position of the Bishops and other successful Churchmen of pre-Reformation times, and repaired the ravages of the Reformers.