The Extraordinary Plan Sketched At This Meeting Became...
Thursday night, when Mr. Gladstone moved that, after Easter, Government business should have precedence in all sittings except the evening sittings on those Fridays on which......
News Of The Week.
M RIBOT has fallen like the rest, though happily not • through a scandal. He had become, it is said, disliked by both sides for his disposition to compromise ; and they took the......
A Meeting Of The Gladstonian Party Was Held At The
Foreign Office on Monday, the object of which was to im- press upon all fractions of the majority that, if their Bills were to be carried, and especially the Home-rule Bill,......
The Meeting Was Unanimous In Approving This Programme,...
J. Pease, speaking for the North of England, hinted that, after Home-rule, the Parish Councils Bill and the Employers' Liability Bill ought to have the first places, the object......
Notice To Advertisers.
With the " SPECTATOR " of Saturday, April 29th, will be issued, 9ratis, a SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, the outside pages of which will be devoted to Advertisements. To secure......
The French Senate Has Elected M. Challemel-lacour To Its...
by a majority, at the third ballot, of 100, to 65 given to M. Constans, kis only serious competitor. M. Chal- lemel-Lacour's address consisted mainly of a eulogium on Jules......