Time And The Woman.. By Richard Pryce. 2 Vols. (methuen
and Co.)—Mr. Richard Pryce has written a rather clever and ex- ceedingly provoking story. It deals with the misfortunes of a very unsophisticated young lady whose ugly baptismal......
The Romance Of A Schee/master. By Edmonclo De Amicis. The
translation by Mary A. Craig. 3 vols. (Osgood, MeIlvaine, and Co.)—In writing The Romance of a Schoolmaster, that distinguished Italian author, Signor de Arateig, has evidently......
Eton Of Ou, And Eighty Years Since. By An "old
Colleger." (Griffith and Farran.)—The "Old Colleger" has indeed a green old age, if, having entered Eton in 1811, he can write in this vigorous fashion about the men and boys of......
The London Ant Afildlcsew Nofe - Book. Edited By W. P. W.
Phillitnore. (Elliot S axik.)—Teis is a collection of antiquarian odds-and-ends on the history of Lcn'oa and its suburbs. Perhaps the most interestla g is the short sketch of......
Current Literature.
The Universe/ At/as. (Cassell and Co.)—An admirable atlas, probably the beet for its price yet published. It is based upon a German Hand-A.tlas," which has been popular both in......
The Book Of Record Of Kirkby - Kendal. Edited By Richard S.
Ferguson. (T. Wilson, Kendal.)—This is an interesting publica- tion. It is the Register of the borough of Kendal—or Kirkby-in- Kendal° as its proper name is—from the year 1575,......