" Subject " In Art.
[To THE EDITOR OF nI " SPECTATOR:] SIR,—" D. S. M." gives a pleasing hint that some day he will talk to us about " Subject " in Art. In the Spectator of March 18th this......
Medical Women In Scotland.
[To TIE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:] Sru,—The many who have taken a keen interest in the struggle for the medical education of women in Edinburgh, which began in 1869, and has......
Mr. Richmond And Our Art Critic.
[To TER EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:9 " DEAR SIR,—` D. S. M.' made the following statement in a recent number of the Spectator :—. 4 Every one outside of this natural aristocracy......
The Change In Pronunciation.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTAT0101 Sin,--4 think that a great deal of time is wasted in trying ta prove that words were pronounced similarly because they were made to rhyme.......
The Price Of Bread.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:9 SIR,—I should like, with your permission, to point out that the so-called truths which are stated (I am sure in all good faith) by your......