NOTES ON A RECENT CONTROVERSY. 1,—THREE COMMONPLACES RESTATED. (1.) That Drawing is at bottom a kind of gesture, a method of dancing on paper. This is proved to have been a......
IN A LONDON GARDEN. I KNOW of gardens far away Where thrushes in the laurels sing ; Where hyacinths stand stilt and gay, And daffodils in clusters swing. But in this dim......
Have Snakes The Power Of Scent ?
LTO THE EDITOR OF THE 4 ' SPEOTATOR. 4 1 SIR,—In the Spectator of March 186, you head a snake incident by asking, "Have Snakes the Power of Scent ?" That some attractive......
Another Bird-story.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE 4 ' SPROTAT011."3 have read with pleasure the stories of bird-life which appear from time to time in your paper, and as it may in- terest some of your......
The Change In Pronunciation.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTAT0101 Sin,--4 think that a great deal of time is wasted in trying ta prove that words were pronounced similarly because they were made to rhyme.......