The Girl's Realm Annual, 1900. (S. /I. Benefield and Co.
8s.)— This is the second yearly issue of this magazine, but the first, we think, that has come under our notice. The most obvious remark to make about it is that the managers give their readers full measure and weight. It is one of the most massive volumes of the year. It is presumption, possibly, to give advice on a non- literary matter. Nevertheless, might not a biennial volume, after the manner of the Century and St. Nicholas, be an improve- ment? To hold this book is a feat of strength. But it is ungracious to say anything that looks like disparagement. In the essentials of literary merit, brightness, and judicious admix- ture of the serious and the gay, the Girl's Realm is all that could be desired. There are stories, long (" The Silver Axe," by E. Everett-Green, and "The Simpson.s and We," by Alice Jackson) and short, too many to mention ; articles on employment for girls, a welcome and interesting subject, and likely to be so till it shall be as much a matter of coarse for girls to be employed as boys; literary matters; and, of course, dress. We may mention a particularly interesting paper on Mr. Herkomer's School of Art at Buahey.