1 DECEMBER 1900, page 29

Hell Rather Than Annihilation ?

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Silt,—Some years ago a dying cottager to whom my mother had been speaking of the happiness of heaven expressed his preference for a "somewhat......

Letters To The Editor.

RITUAL LICENSE. [To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIE,—It would be unfair to assume that you and your core- spondents, whilst agreeing with the Archdeacons of London and......

[to The Editor Of The "spectator."]

Sin,—The locus classicus for Huxley's view that hell, if endurable, would be preferable to annihilation is in "Paradise Lost," Book II., where, at the Council of Pandemonium,......

" Religio Laici."

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] STR,—May I call Mr. Gainsford's attention (bpectator, November 17th) to another definition of religion which he seems to have forgotten? It......

[to The Editor Op Tee "spectator.]

SIB,—Your correspondent in the Spectator of November 2.4tik who signs himself "G. L." seems to think that if only a man works hard, and acts courageously, and, it may be,......


SEVERITY OR CLEMENCY? [To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:'] SIR, — May I venture to place before your readers some con- siderations as to the policy to be pursued in South Africa......