The Wallace Collection In Hertford House. By M. H....
(Cassell and Co. le.)—This is a readable and nicely illustrated little book. Mr. Spielmaun apologises for talking about the prices of works of art, but surely every one likes to......
Illuminated Manuscripts In The British Museum. With...
George F. Warner, M.A. Second Series. (Printed by order of the Trustees.)—We have here fifteen reproductions by Mr. William Griggs "of choice examples of medireval illumination......
Dan Quixote Of The Mancha. Retold By Judge Parry. Illus-
trated by Walter Crane. (Blackte and Son. 6s.)—This book is very pleasantly written, and presents Don Quixote and his friends and vagaries in an attractive form. Judge Parry......
The Gay Lord Quex : A Comedy. By Arthur W.
Pinero. (W. Heinemann. ls. 6d. and 2s. 6d.)—Quite enough has been said about this play in the daily newspapers. Everybody knows, or should know, the sort of entertainment which......