Mr. Wanklyn, The Unionist Member For Central Bradford, In...
to one of his constituents, has published, by authority of Mr. Chamberlain, a statement in regard to the Colonial Secretary's interest in the "Birmingham Trust.' Mr. Chamberlain......
The Rev. Roland Allen, A Missionary Who Has Lived For
upwards of five years in Pekin, and was present throughout the recent siege of the Legations, has given to the Press through Renter's Agency a remarkable account of the heroism......
Mr. Hanbnry, Having Been Admitted To The Cabinet As Minister
for Agricultare, is bound by an antiquated law to seek re-election at the hands of his constituents. He accord- ingly on Monday night addressed the Conservative Associa- tion in......
The Detachments Of The Guards And The Canadian Trole Which
reached Southampton on Thursday, were welcoue,a with great cordiality on their arrival in London in the after- noon. A section of the Guards which went to Windsor were received......
That Enterprising Despot, The Emperor Menelek, In Many...
African counterpart to the Ameer of Afghanistan, is fully alive to the material advantages to be derived from the adoption of European mechanical appliances. The Daily News of......
Lord Selborne, The Newly Appointed First Lord Of The...
presided last Sunday night at the annual meeting of the St. Andrew's Home and Club for Working Boys, Great Peter Street, Westminster, no fewer than thirty old members of which......
The Somewhat Sensational Accounts Of An Epidemic Of...
in Manchester published last week have been in great measure justified by the spread of the malady throughout that district, numerous cases of "peripheral neuritis" having been......
Lord Wolseley Retired Yesterday From The Post Of...
consented sonic time ago at the request of the Government to remain in office till the end of November. His career has been long and honourable, and if the reforming activity of......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.
New Consols (21) were on Friday 981.......