Some Books Of The Week.
[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not been reserved for review in other forms.] The Handy Man Afloat and Ashore. By the Rev. G. Goodenough, R.N. (T.......
Notes On The Paradiso Of Dante. By The Hon. W.
W. Vernon. With an Introduction by the Bishop of Ripen. 2 vols. (Mac- millan and Co. 21s.)—Mr. Vern on, who dedicates his book to Dr. Edward Moore, one of the most distinguished......
Novels Of The Week.*
Miss T,rr:r TAR HAbilyroN, as Court physician to the Ameer of Afghanistan, enjoyed unique opportunities, and has turned them to excellent and perfectly legitimate account in her......
Thomas Henry Huxley. By P. Chalmers Mitchell. (g. P....
Sons. 5s.)—Mr. Mitchell does not claim to have had any special facilities for writing this memoir. It is, he frankly says, "in no sense an intimate or authorised biography of......
General Wauchope. By William Baird. (oliphant, Anderson,...
6.34—Andrew Gilbert Wanchope was born in 1846; after some schooling, not very prolonged or efficient—Hr. Baird compares two incomparable things when he says that natural......