Outlines of Christian Dogma. By Darwell Stone, MA. (Long- mans
and Co. 7s. 6d.)—Mr. Stone is certainly right when he says that "one of the great needs of the present time is accurate knowledge, on the part of those who have not opportunity for deep study, of what historical Christianity really is," and his book will be useful to any such who will take the trouble to refer to it. It contains a clear and, as nearly as possible, colourless summary of the teaching of the Church on all the chief tenets of her faith, gathered from the Bible, the writings of the early Fathers and later theologians, and the declarations of the various Councils. At the same time Mr. Stone summarises some of the principal heresies and errors which have been taught by different schools within and without the Church. He gives ample references to his authorities, so that it would be easy for any one who had time or opportunity to pursue the subject to know where he could find fuller information. But very many would probably feel that Mr. Stone gives them the essential facts, and accept gratefully from him the results of the immense labour he must have given to preparing his outlines.