[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR.") Srs.,—In the notice of my translation of "Four Lais of Marie de France" (Spectator, November 17th) your reviewer Bays: "One of the stories, Launfal,' has made use of J. R. Lowell." Will you kindly allow me to point out that this is a mistake ? There is no connection whatever between the " Lal de LauvaL" of which I give a literal translation, and Lowell's poem, "The Vision of Sir LaunfaL" Had your reviewer ever read the latter he could not possibly have fallen into the error. I do not think that he is quite aware of the great importance, both literary and legendary, attached by the best modern scholars to these Breton lais.—I am, Sir, &c.,
Banavie, Lansdown Road, Bournemouth.