1 DECEMBER 1900, Page 37

The Bard of Bethlehem. By the Rev. H. A. Paterson,

M. A.. (A. Elliot, Edinburgh. 4s. 6d.)—This is a new edition of a work first published in 1867, and now supplied with a prose version of the Psalms. Of this, as a version of the Hebrew, the writer of this notice is not qualified to speak. It seems to differ but little from the translations of which Mr. Paterson speaks as "incoherent gibberish." Psalm x. is specified. Here are the Authorised Ver- sion and Mr. Paterson's version of verses 1-3 side by side :—


"Why standest Thou afar off, Jehovah ? Why hidest Thou on emergencies in trouble ? The wicked hath by arrogance in- flamed the afflicted man; they are caught by the devices which had been contrived. For the wicked man is glorying over his soul's desire and blessing the dishonest gain."

Which is the more like to "incoherent gibberish " ? Here is the Poetical version of verse 1 :-

Why at a distance dost Thou stand, Jehovah, far aside?

Oh why upon emergencies In trouble dust Thou hide ?"

The translator thinks that his version "will be found in every respect superior to the one in common use throughout Scotland." A.V.

"Why standest Thou afar off, 0 Lord ; why hidest Thou Thy- self in times of trouble ? The wicked in his pride doth perse- cute the poor : let them be taken in the devices that they have imagined. For the wicked boasteth of his heart's desire, and blesseth the covetous whom God abhorreth." That is not saying much, but the Paraphrase has at least the prestige of antiquity.