1 MARCH 1913, Page 1

We cannot summarize the appeal in greater detail, but must

draw attention to the persons who signed IL Their names and qualifications are as follows :—

" Duke of Bedford, served in the Egyptian campaigns ; Lord Glenconner, a Liberal Peer and brother-in-law of tho Primo Minister ; Lord Cheylesmore, Chairman of the National Rifle Association ; Field-Marshal Lord Methuen ; Mr. Walter Long, M.P. ; Lord Fortescue, who is a Colonel of Yeomanry ; Lord Lovat„ who raised Lovat's Scouts in the Boer War ; Hon. T. F. Fremantle, ex-Assistant Secretary to the Secretary for War and a Territorial Colonel ; Lord Peel, a Colonel in the Territorials ; Colonel Repington, the military correspondent of the Times; Lord Scar- brough, chairman of the East Riding Territorial Association : Sir Samuel Scott, M.P., who served in South Africa ; Colonel Temple, chairman of the Worcester Territorial Association ; Colonel Leetham, who fought in the Sudan ; Mr. Martin-Holland, chairman of the Finance Committee of the County of London Territorial Association ; Colonel F. D. Watney, member of the Surrey Terri- torial Association."

What makes these names specially important is the fact that they are all of men who are known to have done their very best to make the Territorial Force a success. The majority also are unconnected with the National Service League, and some of them have even expressed regret at its methods, which they hold likely to injure the Territorials. The appeal is in no sense whatever a part of Lord Roberts's campaign.