1 MARCH 1913, page 25

Reldablz Novels. Mary Au Alone. By John Oxenham. (methuen...

Co. 6s.)--A pleasantly written novel about a girl who, dowered with the fatal gift of beauty, has the usual struggle to make aIiving, she having received no particular training......

Through The Cloudy Porch. By K. M. Edge. (john Murray.

6s.) —This book will be read, not for its rather unpleasant theme, but for the descriptions of life in South Africa. The author has given a -wonderful picture of the charm of......

Some Books Of The Week.

al■•■ • [Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not Coen reserved for review in other forms.) Winds of Doctrine: Studies in Contemporary Opinion. By G.......

" Is Theosophy Christian?" Concerning Rudolf Steiner And...

By A. B. (3d.)—Those who care to hear something of Dr. Steiner, whose teaching has already attracted a considerable following, especially in Germany and Austria-Hungary, will......

Ekitabu Ekiruktcera, And Chikalakala Choyera. (british...

two apparently mysterious volumes are in reality the Bible translated into two African dialects, namely, Lunyoro and Chinyanja respectively. We mention them here, not because we......

The Rzormies Boors.—the Fifth Dozen Volumes Of The"...

(T. C. and E. C. Jack, 6d. net each) have now been published, and they deal with a wide variety of topics. Taking first, for instance, the four biographical volumeS, we find......

The Panama Canal Conflict Between Great Britain And The...

States of America. By L. Oppenheim, MA., LL.D. (Cambridge University Press. 2s. 6d. net.)—Professor Oppenheim, the distin- guished international jurist, sets out the arguments......

The Story Of Stephen Compton. By J. E. Patterson. (w.

Heinemann. 6s.)—Mr. Patterson takes himself seriously, and leis solid work deserves consideration. His hero wins his way from the lowest poverty to a partnership in a gurnley......

Proportional Representation : A Set Of Six Diagrams. By Alec

Wilson. (P. S. King and Son. ls.)—These diagrams, issued under the auspices of the Proportional Representation Society of Ireland, show very clearly the defects of the existing......


TILE VILLAGE IN THE JIINGLE.I . THE author - of this remarkable study of native life in a jungle village in Ceylon was, we gather, in the Ceylon Civil Service. If all Civil......