1 MARCH 1913, page 16

Oompulsory Greek At The Universities.

[TO TUE EDITOR OF TEE "SPECTATOR.•'] Snl,—I would not wish to argue with you about Mr. Arthur Benson's letter, but as it is admitted that the public schools have hitherto done......

The Social Institutes Union.

[To THE EDITOR. OP THE "SPECTATOR. " ] venture to ask for the interest of your readers on behalf of the above Union, which has now been carrying on its work vigorously, though......

Carlyle On Change. [to The Editor Op Tee " Spectator.,

Sin,—The following quotation from Carlyle's "Lectures on Heroes" is singularly appropriate as a corroboration of the quotation from Dr. Saleeby (see essay on " Change " in the......

Miss Austen And Conservatism. [to Tee Editor Of Tee "

SPECTATOR."] SIR,—The interesting article on Miss Austen (Spectator, February 15th) truly says that she and her characters "were content with things as they found them." To......