1 MARCH 1913, page 2

Last Saturday The New Buildings Were Opened At Ruskin...

Oxford. Dr. Gilbert Slater, the Principal, said that the college authorities hoped henceforth to join hands with the organized workers of Oxford, and to get into closer touch......

A Number Of Cambridge Dons On Saturday Last Published An

interesting suggestion for a via media between universal military service and " reluctant acquiescence in the present inadequate number of efficients in the Territorial Force."......

The Daily Mail Of Tuesday Reproduces An Admirable Letter...

by Lord Durham to the Turf Guardian Society, Limited. After praising the Society for excluding from its ranks advertising tipsters, Lord Durham goes on to make the following......

The Cambridge Done Go On To Suggest That The Selfsame

principle of indirect pressure should be extended far beyond the Universities. All candidates for the Civil Service, and possibly for the Police Force, might be similarly made......

We Admire The Spirit Of The Cambridge Dons, But We

io not agree with this latter part of their proposal. In effect, it would do what in our opinion would be detestable. It would put the screw upon vast numbers of poor men, but......

The Exact Moral Position Of Betting In Our Social Life

has, we venture to say, never been better put than it is here, and we congratulate Lord Durham on his moderation, good sense, justice, and absolute avoidance of humbug and......

At The End Of Last Week Lord Haldane, As We

are very glad to learn, accepted the invitation of the American Bar Association to deliver the annual address at the meeting at Montreal which will open on September 1st. The......

To Sum Up, We Very Much Hope That The University

will without delay adopt training in arms, and especially the kind of training that fits a man to be an officer, as part of its curriculum. If it does, it will have set a......

On Wednesday Mrs. Pankhurst Was Charged At Epsom With...

persons unknown to blow up the house which is being built for Mr. Lloyd George at Walton Heath. Mr. Bodkin, who prosecuted, quoted various speeches in which Mrs. Pankhurst......